Saturday, June 30, 2012

Planning My Days

Good Morning Girls.  Hello Mornings.  Do those names mean anything to you?  I know I've told you about them before, but I am going to repeat myself just a little.  Those two names have changed my life.  Good Morning Girls is a blog where I first discovered like minded women who were studying the Word together.  Not weekly at a meeting at church, but through the power of the internet we are connecting and encouraging one another to be in the Word daily.  I've participated in 3 online studies and it's been tremendous.  I've never been consistently in the Word like I am now and I contribute it all to Courtney's online ministry.  Her Bible study method has changed the way I dig into God's Word.  It works for me, and I'm so grateful.  Hello Mornings is part of Inspired to Action's website.  Hello Mornings is an accountability group where we encourage each other as moms and wives to be up early - in the Word, planning our days, and exercising.  I have never ever stayed this consistent with rising early until I joined this group as well.  All that to say, click on the orange links above - check them out! :)

The Good Morning Girls summer study is going through Proverbs 31.  This week I was really impressed on how I should be planning my days carefully, but also planning ahead.  I have many weeks where I feel like I'm doing all I can to keep up with the clutter, dishes, and some of the laundry, let alone thinking ahead about the bigger stuff.  The bigger projects that never get done because I can't keep up.  I have been really impressed by a friend of mine who has found the time to make several new home decorating improvements.  She's taken the time to make new things she sees on Pinterest.  I just don't even think that way - of taking the time for something fun and creative for the home.  I wish I did!

God impressed on my heart this week the need to set monthly goals and plan my calendar better.  I'm not starting big, but taking baby steps in the right direction.  I started by putting on my calendar at the beginning of each month a block of time for planning and goal setting.  I hope to do this every month.  And then I'm going to divide my daily calendar in to sections for House chores, Work deadlines that I need to keep up with, Kids fun times planned in, etc.  We'll see if this helps me look at the big picture more than cleaning up for just today.  

Jessalyn at Desiring Virtue blogged about a new planner from momAgenda that looks awesome!   She's offering a giveaway you can enter here.  Check out her post and the momAgenda website.  They have some amazing looking items that I am adding to my gift/wish list!  

Keeping my eyes on the Lord,