April Goals
Just last night I discovered the blog Biblical Homemaking. I have loved browsing through Mandy's blog today. I was extremely inspired by her monthly goals that she posts and decided to take her lead and do the same. Here are my April goals.
Taxes :(
Reorganize pantry, including the kids art supplies (this scares me!)
Work out 3 time a week (starting slow and trying to make a goal I
can stick with)
Accomplish 1 pin on Pinterest
Ministry of Motherhood – Sally Clarkson
Catching Fire (Book 2 of Hunger GamesJ )
Memorize Romans 8:1-8
A listener: truly
listen to my kiddos when they talk to me.
I am ashamed to admit frequently
get distracted with the computer, etc. that I don’t stop to really listen!
Good goals. I'll have to join you on that last one!
ReplyDeleteRomans 8 is a fascinating chapter to memorize; now for the self disciple to live it!