Sunday, November 11, 2012

Could Laundry Be Fun?!?

I am terrible at keeping up with laundry.

It's true.  I haven't found a system that works for us yet.  I typically am a once a week gal, cranking out ALL the laundry on Saturday - well...honestly with a family of 6 I'm usually finishing it up on Sunday.  The problem with this method is it is super reliant on me not having a life and staying home all weekend to do laundry!  Once I have a weekend where we are busy and I'm way behind and floundering for clean socks, school uniforms, etc.  A sweet friend of mine told me about her new system that is working for her, so I'm going to give it a try this week and will let you know if it works for me!  
Tide Pods Detergent, Spring Meadow, 18-Count

I didn't really drop in to tell you about my failing laundry system.  Actually I am excited to tell you I have had fun doing laundry this weekend!  I read a blog post on Somewhat Simple giving an opinion of the new Tide Pods.  I was super curious and ordered some on Amazon.  (I am in love with shopping on Amazon and saving $ at the same time.  But that's another post for another day.)  

First off let me say I am in AWE with how they clean!  And slightly embarrassed with the condition of my clothes Pre-Tide Pods.  Serious.  I guess I didn't realize how bad my cheap detergent was.  Gross!  There is a significant difference in how clean the clothes are looking this weekend - every single load I take out of the washer and dryer.  I'm hooked.  Not to mention how fun and convenient they are to use!  

Look at how cute they are!

Tide Pods One Step Laundry Solution brings money saving and ease of use to laundry day


  1. I love doing laundry. Sorry. I know there are LOTS of people who hate it. I feel bad for all of you. Honest.
    My Best tip: Sort clothes as they are taken off. This eliminates a whole step! It only took 3 months of me picking up my husband clothes immediately as he dropped them on the floor until he figured out my sorting system. (i wasn't smart enough to clearly label my barrels)
    I keep 3 barrels in the bathroom, which happens to be the family dressing room. If your family changes in their bedrooms, you could put a sorter in the hall.
    Tip #2: Every morning as I walk out of the bathroom I grab one of the barrels (whichever one is full) and stuff the batch in the washing machine.
    Immediately after breakfast I put those clothes in the drier.
    I feel like I'm done! (I fold and put away while my toddler takes his bath. I suppose that is cheating.)
    Seriously, I hope your new system works for you. Laundry stealing your weekend sounds awful.
    Hey, if I do your laundry for you, would you do my meal prep? Please?? I'd gladly trade. :)

  2. You inspire me! I gotta get it together somehow... :)
