I didn't blog about it beforehand, but last week Zachary had multiple visits at the Children's Hospital including a skin biopsy. His genetics doctor's lead right now is Lowe's Syndrome and while Zachary has several symptoms that may point towards this syndrome, the tried and true test is a skin biopsy. My heart broke when I had to wrap the little guy in a sheet. Tight like a burrito to keep his arm and legs from moving. Tears came as I held down his legs during the procedure, looking the other way. They took a 3 millimeter punch of skin out of his forearm and will grow the tissue to test the cells for a lack of an enzyme. Results can take 4-6+ weeks to come back. With our recent move there's plenty to keep my mind off worrying. Plenty. But the fact that we're waiting doesn't go away. I can't ignore the fact that I wonder -- Will this be
the test? The one that finally gives an answer? "I changed my mind, I don't want an answer anymore" sometimes floods my heart. But I keep busy and proceed with life while we wait. I have a indescribable peace. Why should I feel such peace when this test could change our world? GOD is the only answer I have. We are upheld by so many family and friends who pray for us and Zachary, and we couldn't walk this journey without them. All I can do is say how grateful I am.
Here's a pic of our sweet boy between doctor visits and before his biopsy. Love him!
While we wait...my eyes are ever on the Lord. Well, maybe more like clinging to the Lord!
Hello Jess ~ I met you at the Declare Conference and I want to tell you that I believe anyone dealing with a special needs child has courage and heart more than I can imagine. Following your blog and praying for God's continued peace; please keep us updated. Margo