It’s Monday night as I sit here writing and today was
nothing like a typical Monday. Life
seems to stand still today and I am rested, refreshed, and quiet. My older 3 kids are off spending most of this
week with Grandparents, an Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. Zachary is an only child this week and I
think so far he doesn’t mind! He likes
the quiet like I do so we are soaking it all in – for now! I’m sure we’ll crave the activity of a
houseful in a couple days. Amidst all of
the deep cleaning I did this morning with no extra kids around, I found time to
read a book in the afternoon.
Not only are the kids away to make the day slow but this
week there is NO crazy therapy schedule!
As I drove to Walmart this afternoon my car almost automatically headed
towards therapy. Zachary has “graduated”
from his first round of intensive therapy and amidst the excitement for a much
more open schedule I think we already miss our therapists who have become more
like family to Zachary and I.
Intensive therapy, which included 8 sessions of PT/OT a week
was absolutely the best choice for Zachary.
He progressed at a pace I never thought possible. By the end of our crazy schedule he was walking
with a walker, standing at a wall with one hand, crawling on all fours, and drawing
circles on a magna-doodle. We are amazed
with his progress!
But now the hard part. For the next 4 months it’s all on our shoulders now to continue to push and challenge
him. We were sent home with pages of
pictures and instructions on how to keep him learning and we have the equipment
we need. We have our UpSee (what an
incredible gift and help it is especially when we are Z’s only therapists for 4
months!), a walker, and soon will get his Orthotics (little foot braces). It’s so much easier to take him to therapy and let
a professional who know what they are doing spend hours a day with him.
Me? I find myself surrounded by
laundry and cleaning and job responsibilities.
I didn’t sign up to be a physical therapist! But I guess God signed me up for this over 3
years ago. He blessed us with a special
needs boy and with that comes the need to find/make the time to be therapist,
nurse, caregiver, mommy.
I pray about how all of this time off will work. I pray for the creativity and discipline I need to
spend time helping Z continue to progress.
I thank God for this quieter week and seek direction on being the best
mommy Zachary needs. (And I look forward
to 4 months from now when we see our PT and OT therapists and friends and start
therapy mania all over again!)
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